Celebrating Dining Without Cellular phone Distractions: Zip It Tablecloth

Technology can dominate dining in a negative way. When groups of folks eat together, cellphones can often become unwelcome guests. Checking for updates, sending messages and answering calls will be an annoying distraction during a meal. Zip It Tablecloth is a part of a set which highlights and addresses this issue, while celebrating the ritual of dining with others.
For many, the act of dining and eating together was lost. For several individuals, dining was reduced to a rushed affair. We “eat” but don’t engage in a dining experience. In contemporary society, there are lots of factors accountable for this outcome. Increasingly, we see an outsized proportion of folk eating on ‘the move’. Dining habits have changed. Zip It’s one piece from the gathering “Dining Together Matters”, which aims to encourage a further way. My intention is to celebrate the thrill of eating and dining. Establishing the significance of eating with others is the core message of this project. [Photos and data provided via e-mail by